bug figing & improvements
July 2023 enhancements
Improvements ✨
  • Dev tools
    : Console & network recording can now be disabled before installing the widget
  • Linear
    : Search issues by task ID, not just title
  • Notion
    : Improved search in user fields
  • Bubble-io
    : Added a new install guide for customers using bubble-io
Bug fixes 🐞
  • Parent field
    : Fixed saving of default value in Parent fields (for integrations that support sub-items)
  • Session replay
    : Enable or disable session replay recording when using the browser extension
  • Screenshot on Android
    : Fixed a bug with screenshots captured on Android
  • Webhooks
    : Assignee data is now sent properly
  • Monday-com
    : Rating fields are now displayed correctly
  • Password
    : Fixed an issue where users could not reset their password