Custom Statuses
- Enable the ability to create and manage custom statusesfor feedback in
- Allow users to map these custom statuses to statuses in connected tools (e.g., Jira, ClickUp, GitHub).
Use Case
- Greater Flexibility: Users can better match their workflows by defining custom statuses (e.g., "In Progress," "Pending Client Response," "In Review").
- Better Visibility: Clients and team members can see more detailed task progress directly in
- Workflow Mapping: Sync multiple statuses from external tools like Jira to for status updates (e.g., map Jira statuses like "In QA" or "Ready for Staging" to custom statuses).
- Guest Collaboration: Allow guests to see more granular task statuses, keeping them informed about ongoing progress.
- Improved Communication: Teams and clients can understand the status of a task at a glance, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.
- Better Tracking: Project managers can easily distinguish between tasks needing attention versus those waiting on client input or external factors.
- Integration Compatibility: By supporting status mapping with integrations, teams can align with their existing workflows.
Log In
Iris Carde
This feature would benefit projects where we've integrated with DevOps and use custom States. It'll assist with communicating with our clients when items are pending feedback, etc.
Joe Scanlon
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Status auto-update Override
Michal Bednarczyk
Ability to disconnect a certain issue from Status auto-update with Asana. While i love status auto-update in general, there are occasional issues where i want to mark it complete and have the client see it's marked complete while keeping it open internally in my PM system to work through any final bits.
Joe Scanlon
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Status changes from Teamwork
Travis Warlick
Request: Similar to the integration with ClickUp, allow movement of a Teamwork task to particular Teamwork board columns to trigger resolution of feedback.
Background: Currently, items are resolved when the task in Teamwork is marked as complete. This presents with some process challenges because our definition of "complete" in Teamwork includes several steps after the point when we need to communicate that feedback is resolved with respect to This is because Teamwork locks several aspects of tasks once it is complete, so the very final step in our process for a given task is for the project manager to mark the task as complete. We use boards in Teamwork to work around this. For example, our board columns Client Review, Ready to Deliver, and Delivered are the ones which would be more appropriate for which to trigger the feedback status change to resolved.
Joe Scanlon
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Allow better mapping of the Jira workflow to the status
Due to the limited available status in it is not possible to synch multiple status from the Jira workflow to the status.
Would love to be able to give our client more visibility on task's status by mapping more steps of our Jira workflow. Exemple: Jira workflow status =>Â status
To do =>Â Open
In Dev / In QA / Ready for STG =>Â In progress
Client review =>Â To validated
Ready for Production =>Â Done
Joe Scanlon
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Pending Status or Add Custom Status
It would be very flexible to be able to add statuses, for example if part of the item was resolved but the client needs to send some data to complete it, this would indicate that progress has already been made on this item and a response from the client is expected to complete it. It also helps the project manager to see what progress has been made and to locate more quickly which items need intervention from the client.
If the option to add custom statuses is not possible, at least add one called "pending" or something similar.
You can also include a text column with a summary or the reason why it is pending.
Marc Payan
It's important !
Joe Scanlon
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Please Add second status i.e. Open, Closed AND in progress
Adam Collison
Ideally we would want the ability to have another status to show its being dealt with, currently its hard for us to track which ones are pending and which ones need attention.
Kasper van der Meulen
This is a very important must!
I was very surprised that this was not possible...
A big reason to go back to bugherd if you ask me.
Becky Radford
If we could just have a status option for "In Progress" that will 2-way sync w/ Clickup like the other statuses do, that would be HUGE.
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