Keyboard Shortcuts for Widget (Optional Setting)
Joe Scanlon
Some users miss the ability to open the widget using a keyboard shortcut.
How It Could Work
- Users could enable or disable the shortcut in the settings.
- Default shortcuts: Mac: ⌘ + Uand Windows/Linux:ALT + U
- If enabled, pressing the shortcut would open the widget instantly.
Why This Matters
- Some users prefer using the keyboard over the mouse /secret URL for quick access. .
- Making it optional ensures it won’t interfere with other shortcuts users rely on.
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Jan Romme
Who ever made the decission to remove this feature should be ashamed. Our internal users use it almost every day. They dont understand how to add something to the URL, which also causes a reload and makes it more difficult to report errors. We use Marker.IO as an internal tool for reporting errors and problems with our product data. For 6 months we had the feedback button on the page but not a single customer used it, and it also interfered with out minibasket. But the Alt+U shortcut has been used often by our internal users.